9 months old already… where does the time go?! I can’t believe we’ve had this little munchkin in our lives for 9 crazy, love filled months. I really did take to heart the one simple thing my nurse told me right after delivery: “they are only this little once. You will never get back day 1, day 2, day 3 etc.”
Even on the most challenging of days, I am so thankful he is in our life. It is so easy to get caught up in this chaotic life, forgetting to cherish the tiniest of memories. Every night when B goes to bed, I reflect back on the day and truly treasure all the good moments we had that day.
9 Month milestones:
- B has decided instead of crawling he likes to roll all over the floor.
- Started attending diaper gym – loves to watch the other babies playing
- Has his two bottom teeth
- Still hasn’t been sick!
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