We started a bedtime routine at about 1 month old. Bath time was at 7 and bedtime as soon as he would go down. At the beginning it felt like the schedule was having no effect, but as time went on, he started to adapt to the schedule.
As the weeks went on we perfected his schedule. Bath time is at 6:30, 6:45-7:15 bedtime snack, and 7:15 to bed. Normally by then he is already passed out on me so putting him down for the night is really easy. He sort of wakes a little when I put him in his crib and tuck him into his sleep sac, but usually within 5 minutes he’s sound asleep.
We head to bed soon after. As nice as it is to have a little quiet alone time, I can’t stress enough…. Sleep when baby sleeps! When he wakes up around 5 or 6 I feel pretty much completely rested. There is definitely no tv show that is important enough to lose precious sleep for.
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